Stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui has been detained by the Mumbai Police. It seems he is amongst the seven people who were caught by the cops as they raided Sabalan Hookah Bar in Mumbai's Bora Bazar area. It seems the hookah had tobacco in it which is banned. The raid happened late at night after a tip-off to the cops. The bar is located in Fort and it seems they were consuming tobacco-based hookah. If it is proved that they were consuming tobacco under the garb of herbal hookah, they can be charged under Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act. If found guilty, they have to pay fines and also face imprisonment.
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Fresh legal trouble for Munawar Faruqui
In 2021, stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui had spent 37 days in jail for hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus. He was housed in the Central Jail of Indore. The comedian was arrested after a political party said that his humour was offensive for Hindus. The incident caused a lot of trouble for him. He could not travel abroad for Khatron Ke Khiladi 11 due to visa issues. He won Bigg Boss 17 but his tenure was a very controversial one, and his love life got dragged in by the makers.
Munawar Faruqui to be a part of Splitsvilla 15
The promo of Splitsvilla 15 has shown Munawar Faruqui as a part of the show. Fans are guessing that he will come as a guest like Uorfi Javed. We can see that he is seated in front of a woman in a deep red gown. The setting is also a romantic one. Some said that he is not an ideal candidate for the show as his relationships are quite well-known now.
After Gujarat, Maharashtra was the second state to ban hookah bars in 2018. Use of cigarettes and other tobacco products inside the premises of many restaurants are prohibited. The ban was implemented after the deadly Kamala Mills Fire of 2017 that caused a number of casualties.
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