Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are in Mumbai right now. They arrived just before the festival of Holi and have since been spending some quality time in India with their family and friends. Recently, they all got together and celebrated Holi along with Priyanka and Nick's daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas. And just a couple of minutes ago, they were snapped attending Mannara Chopra's birthday bash in the city. The duo was mobbed and how!
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Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas attend Mannara Chopra's birthday bash
Priyanka Chopra wore a white skirt and a small blouse for the birthday party while Nick Jonas brought the Hawaiian theme in a floral shirt and yellow pants. As soon as they got out of their car the flashes started going off, the paparazzi called out to them to get a picture or a video. Someone fell while Priyanka and Nick were trying to make their way towards the restaurant. That's not it, it seems, the bodyguard was also pushed in the whole hullabaloo. Mannara Chopra came out to receive them amidst the crowd.
Have a look at Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' video here:
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas posed for the paparazzi later. They even clicked a family picture with Mannara Chopra, Mitali Handa, Kamini Chopra and Madhu Chopra. It was a perfect family outing. But of course, Mannara's friends from the industry also attended the birthday bash. Priyanka and Mannara also posed together.
Talking about Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' stay in Mumbai. The actress visited Ram Mandir in Ayodhya with Nick and Malti Marie. It was their first trip to the birthplace of Lord Ram. Priyanka wore a pretty yellow saree and carried Malti Marie on her hips throughout.
Watch this video of Priyanka Chopra at Ram Mandir with her daughter and husband here:
Priyanka celebrated Holi in Mumbai this time. It was the first time Malti Marie celebrated Holi in India too. Fans gushed about how Priyanka was also imbibing Indian values and culture in her daughter. Malti is 2 years old. She was born prematurely. Nick and PC welcomed her via surrogacy.
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