Raha Kapoor once again stole the internet's heart all over again with her latest appearance along with mom Alia Bhatt. The mommy and daughter were spotted in the town as they made their way to Kareena Kapoor Khan's house in Bandra where the guards covered Alia and Raha with an umbrella to avoid her being captured, but the one glimpse of the little Raha made the fans swoon and how. Raha looked all grown up as it's been 4 months since Ranbir and Alia introduced her to the paparazzi and posed for them at the Christmas bash hosted by the Kapoors.
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Watch the video of Raha Kapoor visiting 'bua' Kareena Kapoor Khan's house for a play date with younger cousin brother Jeh
As Raha stepped out on a play date with Jeh, the video of the youngest Kapoor went viral and fans cannot get over her cuteness and how. The fans even mentioned on the video that they could not wait to see Raha walk.
When Alia Bhatt revealed how Jeh never shared his toys with Raha on their play date
Alia and Kareena Kapoor Khan appeared on Karan Johar's show Koffee With Karan 8 where the Jigra actress revealed how Jeh and Raha reacted on their play dates. Alia revealed Jeh was very possessive about his toys and gave Raha once to play with and used to take it back and this is what he did the whole time.
Ranbir Kapoor to name his 250 crore bungalow on daughter Raha Kapoor's name?
It was BollywoodLife that exclusively told you about Ranbir Kapoor naming his bungalow on daughter Raha's name and that makes her the richest star kids among all.
Watch the video of Raha Kapoor at Anant Ambani's pre wedding bash in Jamnagar
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