Aishwarya Rai Bachchan this old video has been going viral where the actress is seen walking ahead of niece Navya Nanda along with daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. The netizens notice that Navya has been ignored by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and are wondering what's wrong between the two. In the video, you can see how Aishwarya walks through the gate, while daughter Aaradhya joins and both mother and daughter don't bother to look behind and acknowledge Navya's presence. While the fans of Aishwarya have come to her defence mentioning that this is just a half video and it's not at all that Aishwarya ignored Navya.
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Watch the old viral video of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan ignoring niece Navya Nanda
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan's Cold War has changed the dynamics in the Bachchan family?
It is claimed that Ash and Shweta cannot stand each other and this has affected the entire dynamics between the Bachchan family. The last time when Shweta and Ash were under one roof was during the special screening of Agastya Nanda's debut film The Archies, where they both maintained a safe distance and avoided getting clicked by the paparazzi.
Navya Nanda calls Aaradhya an intelligent girl
Recently in an interview when asked Navya about advising her cousin Aaradhya, she exclaimed that she doesn't need any of her advice as Aaradhya is a very intelligent girl. "She's very intelligent and I think more aware of things than I was maybe at her age. So it's actually great to see that entire generation grow up being so much more aware of the world, so much more aware of society and things around them so, I don't know what advice I would give her."
When Navya Nanda reacted to having Aishwarya on her podcast
Navya's podcast with her mom Shweta and Jaya Bachchan is extremely popular, the fans demanded Ash on the show, to which she said, she would like to have guests outside from the Bachchan family, and this answer Navya blew out of proportion and many thought she ignored to have Ash on her chat show.
Watch the video of Jaya Bachchan
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