Mohena Kumari Singh was loved for her performance as Kirti Singhania in Rajan Shahi's Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. She rose to fame post her work in Dil Dosti Dance. Later, we saw her in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai during Mohsin Khan, Shivangi Joshi aka Kartik-Naira's sequence. She played Kartik's sister's role in the show and was paired opposite Rishi Dev. However, post her wedding she shifted to Dehradun and left acting. We all know Mohena is an amazing dancer and she keeps posting her amazing dance videos on social media. Mohena got married to businessman and politician, Suyesh Rawat.

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They got married on October 14, 2019 and post that Mohena has left acting. The duo also welcomed a baby boy on April 15, 2022. They have named their son, Ayaansh. Suyesh Rawat is the son of Uttarakhand Cabinet Minister Satpal Maharaj. Last month, Mohena gave us another good news when she announced her second pregnancy.

Mohena Kumari Singh blessed with a baby girl

The actress made the news official with a dance video on Instagram. She used the song Aaoge Jab Tum O Sajna and revealed, "I used to listen to this track during my last pregnancy while I waited for Ayaansh to arrive into this world , hoping it will all be as blissful as the song promises. After having experienced the birth of my first child these words made more sense to me."

Now, the big news is that Mohena and Suyesh Rawat have been blessed with a baby girl. Yes, as per reports in ETimes, they have welcomed a baby girl. Mohena has not yet revealed the news on social media or in any interview. Well, we eagerly wait for Mohena to announce the news soon.

Mohena hails from the royal family of Rewa in Madhya Pradesh. Her father is the king of the district.

A look at actors who were offered Abhimanyu's role in YRKKH before Harshad Chopda

Congratulations, Mohena Kumari Singh and Suyesh Rawat!

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