Sonakshi Sinha, the actress of the Heeramandi series, was recently spotted at the event. Sonakshi Sinha is known as the Dabangg actress of Bollywood and has appeared in many films such as Dabangg, Rowdy Rathore, Son of Sardaar, Dabangg 2, Holiday, Lootera, and Mission Mangal. Recently, the actress's web series Heeramandi has premiered on Netflix and is receiving a great response from fans. Apart from her professional life, the actress has also made headlines several times for her personal life. Currently, she is in the limelight for dating Zaheer Iqbal. Speaking of her look, Sonakshi was seen wearing a black-colored lehenga on the ramp, paired with matching jewelry. She looked absolutely stunning, resembling a bride in this attire. Fans are appreciating Sonakshi's ramp walk a lot. To see Sonakshi's bridal look and her ramp walk, click on the provided link.
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