The popular TV reality show 'Anupamaa' features lead actress Rupali Ganguly along with key actors Gaurav Khanna and Sudhanshu Pandey, who are frequently in the spotlight on social media. The show, directed by Rajan Shahi and launched in 2020, is centered around the journey of a homemaker, Anupamaa, as she carves out a new identity and becomes self-reliant. With its engaging storyline, the show consistently captures the audience's attention and remains highly popular. On the other hand, the long-running show 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' (YRKKH) continues to be a favorite among viewers. Now in its fourth generation, the story revolves around Abhira, the daughter of Akshara, portrayed by Samridhii Shukla, and Armaan, played by Rohit Purohit. Veteran actress Anita Raj is also part of the cast, adding depth to the family drama. Both shows, produced by Rajan Shahi under Director's Kut Productions, have been captivating audiences for years, offering a mix of family drama and romance. The rivalry between these two popular shows keeps viewers hooked, and it will be interesting to see which one continues to win hearts. For more updates, stay tuned to Bollywood Life.

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