Bigg Boss 18 began on October 6 with 18 contestants entering the show. Biggest names from the TV industry entered the show with Salman Khan introducing all of them. Some of them have already been eliminated. A total of five wildcard contestants have entered the house bringing in the tadka. Among the most talked about contestants of Bigg Boss 18 remained to be Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Shilpa Shirodkar, Avinash Mishra, Rajat Dalal and others. In the new promo, Karan Veer Mehra is seen fighting with Vivian Dsena.
Karan Veer Mehra has been taunted often for sitting in the corner and not sharing his opinions openly on the matters concerning the Bigg Boss 18 house. He is often called out for not fighting and confronting whenever needed. But over the last Weekend Ka Vaar, Sandiip Sikcand showed up and guided Karan Veer Mehra that he should play the game on front foot. Karan Veer Mehra's avatar is now changed. In the new promo, we see Vivian Dsena poking fun and questioning what problem he has with him. To this, Karan Veer Mehra replies saying that when Vivian became the Time God, he did not do any work. In no book, it has been written that Time God cannot work but Vivian announced the rule. To this, the Madhubala actor hit back calling Karan Veer Mehra 'ganda bartan'. It has gone viral on entertainment news.
Karan Veer Mehra hit back and saying that "Mai gandagi saaf karta hu, bahot ache se karta hu gandgi saaf, chamka daaluga ekdam." On social media, Karan Veer Mehra is being hailed for his fierce avatar. Karan adds that until he was sitting in the corner, he was good, but one should not poke him.
Check out Bigg Boss 18 promo video here:
PROMO - It's Karan Vs Vivian ? High Voltage!!
Whom side are you on ?? Much awaited fight in BB18 house!
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BivAys ????? (@iambivays_) November 19, 2024
Karan Veer Mehra is nominated this week for elimination. Shilpa Shirodkar also nominated him and it came a shocker to all.
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