Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai has been in the news due to her separation and divorce rumours. Recently, Aishwarya Rai's sister-in-law, Shrima Rai slammed trollers when they questioned her about not sharing photos with Aishwarya or her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. Shrima, who is married to Aishwarya's brother Aditya Rai is a popular social media influencer and manages to give a sneak peek into her life. Her social media is filled with pictures and videos of her kids and husband. Shrima shared a picture with her mother-in-law Brindya Rai who is Aishwarya and Aditya's mother. The picture gained a lot of attention.
In the picture, Aditya and Shrima were seen posing with Brindya. Shrima revealed that Brindya's birthday falls on the same day as Aditya and Shrima's wedding anniversary. She shared the picture of the family but Aishwarya and Aaradhya were missing. She captioned the post as, 'Did you know my mother-in-law's birthday and my anniversary are on the SAME day? They asked us if that was ok while choosing dates and in the spirit of celebrating family time I said yes. So we juggle the day between our Anniversary and her birthday ever since'.
A look at Shrima's post
Within no time, the netizens noticed that Aishwarya and Aaradhya were not part of the picture and filled the comments section. One user said, 'Not even a single pic she shares of Aishwarya or Aaradhya'. Another commented saying, 'You can head over to her page to find all the images of her and there you will find solely shots of them and not a single one of us. That should satisfy you'. Another user wrote, 'I never knew you were Aishwarya's SIL until your recent pictures.," the comment read. Shrima replied, "Good ? I want you to see me for me'. Shrima replied saying, 'Good ? I want you to see me for me'.
Have a look at Shrima Rai's picture
On the personal front, Shrima is married to Aditya and she shared a picture from their wedding ceremony. The picture featured young Aishwarya and was captioned as, 'Happy Anniversary @aditya_.rai 21 year old American Desi meets studious engineer Mumbaiker and the rest is history'.
Aishwarya and Abhishek have maintained silence on the ongoing rumours. The rumors started doing rounds on social media after the couple attended Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding separately. Moreover, Abhishek liked a post on social media that spoke about grey divorce.
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