Actor and Shiv Sena leader Govinda was rushed to a Mumbai hospital on Saturday after experiencing health issues during a roadshow in Jalgaon as part of his campaign for the MahaYuti alliance. According to a report by IANS, the incident occurred while the actor was addressing voters in Pachora, one of the stops in his campaign across Muktainagar, Bodwad, Pachora, and Chopda.
Health Concerns During Campaign Initially, Govinda reported mild physical discomfort but soon began experiencing severe chest pain and leg discomfort. Following doctors' advice, he was urgently airlifted to a Mumbai hospital for immediate medical attention. His family accompanied him during the emergency transfer, and he received initial treatment upon arrival.
As of now, Govinda has not issued a statement about his condition, leaving fans and supporters concerned. Campaign for MahaYuti in Jalgaon Govinda has been an active supporter of the MahaYuti alliance, campaigning for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Shiv Sena, and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). During the roadshow, he encouraged citizens to support Prime Minister Narendra Modi by voting for the ruling coalition. Unfortunately, the actor had to cut short his event in Pachora due to his deteriorating health. Recent Health Scare: Gunshot Incident This recent health emergency comes just weeks after Govinda accidentally injured himself with a gunshot wound. On October 1, while cleaning his revolver at home, the weapon discharged, causing a bullet to hit his leg. The incident occurred early in the morning when Govinda was preparing to leave for an event in Kolkata. He was immediately taken to a hospital in Andheri for treatment.
Also Read: “Govinda was shy around girls, Akshay Kumar had multiple girlfriends,” reveals their co-star Guddi Maruti
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