Anupamaa actress Rupali Ganguly is in the news. Her professional and personal lives have been the talk of the town. It was earlier being said that many Anupamaa actors have left the shows because of Rupali and her insecurities. Post that, we saw an old post of her stepdaughter Esha Verma went viral. In the post, her step daughter accused her of breaking their happy family. She even said things like Rupali used to sleep in her parents bedroom and steal Ashwin's former wife's jewellery. Esha even revealed Rupali gave strange medicines to Ashwin Verma. Esha is Ashwin's second wife, Priyanka Verma's daughter. Ashwin was married twice before Rupali.

Rupali issues defamation notice to stepdaughter Esha Verma

Esha then made many serious allegations against Rupali Ganguly and Ashwin Verma. She called them bullies and even said that Rudransh is their illegitimate son. She called the Anupamaa actress a psychotic and abusive woman. Rupali had not reacted to these things yet. But now, she has filed a defamation case against Esha. The case was filed today, November 11.

Bigg Boss 17 contestant and top lawyer Sana Raees Khan is Rupali's lawyer. Speaking to Times Now, Sana said that her team has sent the legal notice to Esha Verma and have asked for Rs 50 crore in damages. They have issued a civil defamation suit and will take appropriate legal action.

Sana shared that Prima facie she is guilty already but it's going to be a long process. She further revealed that Rupali had a traumatic experience considering what all she's been through. Sana said that Esha put out numerous posts which was absolutely shocking and Rupali had never expected this because they have been very cordial and in good terms. This is a big story in entertainment news.

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She added, "Initially, Rupali maintained a dignified silence. Subsequently, things worsened with time and people started circulating unhealthy things about her son also. She claimed that her son was illegitimate. That's when Rupali decided to take action. Esha was pulling up a 11-year-old kid in midst of all this dirt."

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