Punjabi singer and actor Diljit Dosanjh has been entertaining fans across the globe with his Dil-Luminati Tour. His pictures and videos from the Pune concert are going viral on social media and netizens cannot get over it. Recently, Dasvi actress Nimrat Kaur was seen enjoying the live show and was seen grooving to Diljit's songs.
The Lunchbox actress also posed with security personnel at the event and looked stunning in a white crop top paired with a printed red and a white shirt, blue denim jeans, and white sneakers. She upped her style game with a red sling bag and left her tresses loose. She was seen cheering from the crowd for the singing sensation.
She shared pictures from the event and caprioned it as, 'Hona ni main recover...Simply the BESTESSSSSTTTTT concert I've EVER been to. @diljitdosanjh chardi kalaan, tuhada koi mukabla nahin!! Wahe guru mehr karan hamesha'. Diljit wrote, 'Tusi Aeye c? Stage te aa jana c'.
A look at Nimrat Kaur's post
Talking about Diljit's much-talked-about Dil-Luminati Tour 2024 started in New Delhi on October 26. The actor performed in Hyderabad (November 15), Ahmedabad (November 17), Lucknow (November 22), and Pune (November 24). The Dil-Luminati Tour will continue in Kolkata (November 30), Bengaluru (December 6), Indore (December 8), Chandigarh (December 14), Mumbai (December 19), and Guwahati (December 29).
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