Priyanka Chopra always has the best photos to share. She is one of the top stars in Bollywood and Hollywood as well. She has been getting all the love in both the industries. She keeps sharing adorable photos of her daughter and her husband on Instagram. Her posts have the best memories of the family. She celebrates every occasion and festival with her cute family and the pictures are always so full of love. Now, she has shared another beautiful set of photos from their thanksgiving celebrations in London.
Priyanka's celebrations with family
Amidst all of her pictures, it was Nick Jonas and Malti Marie's photo that stole the limelight. The cute father daughter duo won hearts. Nick was seen cutely planting a kiss on Maltie's forehead. Priyanka also gave a glimpse of the gifts they sent from Maltie and the yummy food they had. These photos are all over entertainment news.
The family had a lavish dinner together and it all looked so royal. Priyanka Chopra shared a note along with these photos. She wrote, "So grateful for the life we're building together. With tremendous gratitude in my heart, I'd like to thank everyone that has been in my corner all these years. It's so important for a person to have champions and I'm very lucky to have always had that. May you all be surrounded by love and loved ones. Happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating."
Take a look:
Priyanka recently visited India for her brother Siddharth Chopra's wedding. Her visit left fans super excited and we saw Priyanka was happily speaking to the paparazzi and interacting with her fans as well. The actress is currently shooting for Russo Brothers' Citadel season two. She has now completed the shoot as well. She will also be seen in Heads of State alongside John Cena and Idris Elba. The diva will also star in the upcoming film The Bluff.
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