Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's daughter Raha Kapoor is the cutest starkid on the block. Ever since the star couple did the face reveal of their daughter during Christmas 2023, she has been winning hearts with her cuteness. This year was all the more special as Raha Kapoor wished paps Merry Christmas when she showed up with her parents at Kapoors for lunch. Now, the family of three was spotted at the airport and once again, Raha won hearts with her cuteness.
Raha Kapoor's video of saying bye to paps is unmissable
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor along with their daughter Raha have flown off for the New Year holiday. They were papped at the Mumbai airport this evening. Raha Kapoor was in a happy mood and she once again greeted the paps. She sweetly said bye to everyone and also blew flying kisses. She was nestled in Alia Bhatt's arms. The Gangubai Kathiawadi actress could not stop smiling as her daughter interacted with the paps in her cute, sweet way. Raha is already proving that she has the perfect Kapoor and Bhatt genes. She has already become friends with the paps and has the confidence of a star. The little one was dressed in a white athleisure wear. Alia kept it casual in a white top and blue jeans. Ranbir Kapoor also opted for comfy casuals. The daddy dearest too could not stop grinning looking at his daughter's sweet gesture. The video has taken over entertainment news sections.
Watch Raha Kapoor's video below:
Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor tied the knot on April 14, 2022. The diva gave birth to their daughter Raha Kapoor on November 6, 2022. For almost a year, the couple chose to keep their daughter away from the paparazzi. They did the face reveal only in Christmas 2023. Fans were more than happy to see Raha's pictures for the first time. Since then, Alia has shared quite a few pictures of her little princess on social media.
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