Deepika Padukone has often talked about the 'toxic work culture' and why work-life balance is important in life. On Thursday, the actress slammed L&T Chairman SN Subrahmanyan over his statement on making employees work every day. The chairman had said that he would want his employees to work even on Sunday. On Instagram, the Piku actress slammed him by writing, 'Shocking to see people in such senior positions make such statements. #mentalhealthmatters'.
Deepika slams L&T Again!
Just like Deepika Padukone, SN Subrahmanyan was slammed by a lot of people online. Hours after the statement went viral, L&T posted a clarification regarding the same. However, even that has received a negative reaction from people, including Deepika. The clarification reads, "At L&T, nation-building is at the core of our mandate. For over eight decades, we have been shaping India's infrastructure, industries, and technological capabilities. We believe this is India's decade, a time demanding collective dedication and effort to drive progress and realise our shared vision of becoming a developed nation. The Chairman's remarks reflect this larger ambition, emphasizing that extraordinary outcomes require extraordinary effort. At L&T, we remain committed to fostering a culture where passion, purpose, and performance drive us forward."
The Pathaan actress shared their clarification on Instagram story and expressed her disappointment. DP wrote, "And they just made it worse "
Check out her Instagram story:
The statement was shared by Faye Dsouza on her Instagram page. In the comments, netizens have also strongly reacted to the same. One person commented, "Wow, they just reiterated what the Chairman said, confirming their toxic work culture." Another person wrote, "Pay your employees close to your C-suite they'll happily work. Just because the chairman has no life, doesn't mean the employee don't too."
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