In September 2024, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were blessed with a baby girl. The couple revealed during Diwali that they have named their daughter Dua Padukone-Singh. Since then, fans always look forward to every little update on the couple and their daughter. While DP is on her maternity leave, Ranveer has already resumed his work. Now, there's a big update on the sweet little family.
Ranveer, Deepika to move with Dua to a new house?
It looks like Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are all set to move to their new house in Mumbai's Bandra Bandstand area. The couple will soon be Shah Rukh Khan's neighbours, as it is next to Mannat. The lavish house is a sea-facing quadruplex worth Rs 100 crore and has 11,266 square feet of interior space. As reported by MoneyControl, DP and RS' house also has 1,330 square feet of terrace space and covers 16 to 19 floors of the building.
A video has been going viral earlier that most of the house's construction work is already done. In the video, we also see how close the duo will be residing next to Shah Rukh Khan. It also shows SRK's Mannat, one of the most popular celebrity mansions in India.
Check out the video below:
Further in this entertainment news, it was reported last year that Deepika Padukone and her father Prakash Padukone's company, KA Enterprises, bought another luxury apartment in Bandra at the Sagar Resham Co-operative Housing Society. It was acquired for Rs 17.78 crore, as reviewed by Square Yards documents. On the work front, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone's last theatrical release was Singham Again. The duo had a special appearance in the Rohit Shetty directorial. Ranveer's next is an espionage thriller titled Dhurandhar. Directed by Aditya Dhar, it will hit theatres in 2025. DP is on maternity break and her next film is the Kalki 2898 AD sequel.
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