Shilpa Shirodkar's Bigg Boss 18 journey has been dramatic. The actress has often found herself in a fix as she shared a good bond with Vivian Dsena and Karan Veer Mehra. They are staunch rivals in the show. But they also got termed as 'Karan Arjun' thanks to Shilpa Shirodkar. Initially, it appeared that Shilpa favoured Vivian over Karan as she made him the Time God. She even nominated Karan. However, later she said that the next 50 days of her Bigg Boss journey are for Karan Veer Mehra. In yesterday's episode, Karan had a confrontation with Shilpa.
Karan Veer Mehra and Shilpa Shirodkar sort out their differences
Shilpa Shirodkar has been apologising to Vivian Dsena as he felt hurt when she divided her journey 50/50 between Vivian and Karan. So for the same, Shilpa said sorry to Vivian. But Karan got upset with it. In yesterday's episode, an angry Karan asked Shilpa why was she apologising so much to Vivian and whether she is ashamed of her friendship with him? He even said that she appears stupid following Vivian and apologising when he is not even ready to pay attention to her. Karan openly said that he won't let anyone take him for granted. Shilpa felt bad with Karan's harsh words and started crying. The video was viral on entertainment news.
In a new video shared on social media, we see Karan calmly talking to Shilpa as she is crying. She says that she does not know how prove her friendship to him. She also added that she does not want him to look stupid because of her. Karan makes her realise that a person loses respect while following someone to apologise. Shilpa says that her sorry came from an emotional space. Then she spoke about Vivian Dsena. She said that for her, he is a 'loser' as he cannot even accept an apology.
Watch Bigg Boss 18 video below:
Shilpa ka roke hai bura haal jab Karan ne uthaye Shilpa ke Vivian ko sorry bolne par kuch sawaal.
Dekhiye #BiggBoss18, aaj se Mon-Fri raat 10:30 baje aur Sat-Sun 9:30 baje, sirf #Colors aur @JioCinema par.#BiggBoss18 #BiggBoss #BB18@KaranVeerMehra @Shilpashirodkr
ColorsTV (@ColorsTV) January 8, 2025
Karan Veer Mehra, since the beginning, has stood by Shilpa Shirodkar. Even when he felt hurt after she nominated him and guests pointed out to him, he said that he is investing in a friendship.
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