Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai serial: Garvita Sadhwani, Rohit Purohit, Samridhii Shukla, and others are making sure to entertain the audience through the Rajan Shahi show. Rohit Purohit, who replaced Shehzada Dhami as Armaan in the show a month back, has often mentioned how grateful he feels for the massive opportunity. He is working with extreme passion and making sure that he is wholeheartedly adored as Armaan by the fans. Recently, Rajan Shahi also appreciated him and stated that Rohit is a hardworking actor, and he is extremely happy with the kind of efforts he is putting into the show. Now, in a recent interview, Rohit reacted to Rajan Shahi's kind words and expressed his gratitude for the same.
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Rohit Purohit reacts to Rajan Shahi calling him a hardworking actor
In an interview with Telly Bytes, Rohit Purohit was asked about Rajan Shahi's recent words of appreciation for him. The actor stated that he also saw Rajan Shahi's interview when his wife Sheena Bajaj posted it on her social media. The actor mentions that Rajan Shahi is very sweet, and he is extremely happy with whatever Rajan Shahi has said about him. The actor further mentioned that he is very grateful to Rajan sir for trusting him in such a short span of time. The actor recalled that initially when he met Shahi for Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai , he didn't look even an ounce like Armaan. Despite that, Rajan casted him as Armaan as the producer was very sure of his vision. The actor thanked the pioneering television producer for giving him the wonderful opportunity.
Here's a video of actors who rejected the role of Abhimanyu in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai below:
Rohit Purohit, in the same interview, also credited his wife Sheena Bajaj as the biggest pillar of strength. The actor mentioned that whatever he is able to do is all because of Sheena, as she gives him that comfort and space. Talking about Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, the TRPs are still not that great. Although the show is on the number 3 spot in the TRP chart, with a 1.9 TRP, there's still a long way to go for the Rajan Shahi show.
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