Sonam Kapoor has been amazing us with some great sartorial statements of late. The actress has been reading scripts and wants to make a comeback with a good family entertainer, or a masala film. She opened up on how she gained 32 kilos after her pregnancy. Sonam Kapoor had a single release Blind, which came on OTT in the last two years.
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Sonam Kapoor reveals trauma of gaining 32 kgs
In November 2022, Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja became parents to a son, Vaayu Ahuja. The actress did a podcast with Fashionably Pernia where she spoke about how she gained 32 kgs. She said she was initially in trauma about the same. Sonam Kapoor said that like most new moms, she was obsessed about her son, and neglected self-care. She reveals she did not bother about exercise or proper diet. She said, "It took me a year and a half. I took it really slow, you have to be slow because you have to adjust to the new you."
Sonam Kapoor on the drastic shift in body image
Sonam Kapoor said that life changes post pregnancy. She said it alters relationship with oneself, and one's spouse. Sonam Kapoor further said, "You are never going to feel the same about your body. I have always accepted myself for who I am and I was like I need to accept this version of myself."
SonamKapoor wrote that it took her 16 months to re-acquaint herself with her old self. She said she did it steadily without indulging in crash dieting or crazy workouts. She said she was consistent in her efforts all through. She said she is still far from her ideal body goals but almost there. She said she is grateful for being healthy all through.
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