Comedian Bharti Singh has been hospitalised. Yesterday, she took to her VLog and revealed the cause. Bharti Singh made a video from the hospital and informed her fans that she has been hospitalised as she has stones in her gallbladder. She revealed that she was in a lot of pain over the past three days and initially she thought it was because of acidity. However, when she paid a visit to the doctor, it got revealed that she has stones and has to undergo an operation. Bharti Singh was in tears as she was missing her son Gola. Well, day 2 of Bharti in hospital was good as son Gola paid her a visit.
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Bharti Singh shares a new VLog from the hospital
Bharti Singh uploaded her second video from the hospital revealing all about Gola's visit. She said that she had to seek a special permission from the hospital to let her son visit her. The video starts with Bharti giving her health update and sharing that she is feeling much better. She teased husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa and stated that he was nicely sleeping when she was in pain. She pokes fun further when she advices the nurse to not marry a man like Haarsh. Then Bharti Singh's sister brings in Gola. He is initially scared to meet his mother as she has drips attached. However, then he gets comfortable around her. Gola is the cutest as he is seen dancing in the hospital and entertaining everyone. He showers mother Bharti Singh with lots of kisses. Bharti also beams with joy as she gets to spend time with Gola. The little one also asks his mother to get well soonest. She is admitted in Kokilaben Hospital.
In the video, fans also get to see the hamper sent by Suniel Shetty to Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa. Suniel Shetty is currently the host of Dance Deewane 4 while Bharti is the host. He sent them a package full of healthy products.
Check out Bharti Singh's VLog video below:
The Kapil Sharma Show star Bharti Singh is among the most popular stars from the TV industry. With her comedy, she has climbed the ladder of success quite swiftly. She is loved and appreciated by all.
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