Kartik Aaryan, riding high on the success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, is reportedly keen on reviving the Aashiqui franchise. The actor, initially set to star in Aashiqui 3 under Anurag Basu's direction, aims to bring the film back under the iconic franchise banner. Originally titled Aashiqui 3, the project underwent a name change to Tu Aashiqui Hai earlier this year due to a dispute between the film's producers, T-Series and Vishesh Films. However, the recent success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has prompted Aaryan to reconsider the strategic value of a franchise.
As per a report in Mid-day, a source revealed, “The success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 and 3 has confirmed Kartik’s belief in the power of franchises. He has suggested to Bhushan that he initiate talks with Mukesh Bhatt to acquire the title. Kartik is certain that building the love story under the Aashiqui franchise will give it a push.”
The Aashiqui franchise has a rich history. The original 1990 film launched the careers of Rahul Roy and Anu Aggarwal. The 2013 sequel, Aashiqui 2, starring Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor, was also a massive commercial and critical success.
However, the road to Aashiqui 3 is not without its challenges. The ongoing dispute between T-Series and Vishesh Films over the franchise rights could complicate matters. Additionally, Anurag Basu's busy schedule, including the reshoots of Metro… In Dino, may delay the project's commencement. Despite these hurdles, Aaryan remains determined to bring the franchise back to life. He is committed to ensuring the film is made with utmost care and attention to detail. The actor is also keen on exploring other franchise opportunities, with a potential sequel to his 2018 hit Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety on the cards. “Anurag is anyway busy with the re-shoot of Metro… In Dino. With this new development, the project will only roll sometime next year. Kartik wants clarity on all aspects before he faces the camera,” the source added.
Meanwhile, Kartik Aaryan will soon start the shoot for Pati Patni Aur Woh 2 with Mudassar Aziz. ALSO READ: Bhushan Kumar reacts to Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 success; says, “It celebrates the journey of Kartik Aaryan from a star to now a superstar”
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