Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai TV serial has seen many twists. From Armaan and Abhira's contract wedding to Vidya's anger, the latest season of the show is managing to keep audiences hooked to the screen. The latest track is about Armaan and Abhira losing their baby. Doctors could not save their child as Abhira's pregnancy was complicated. Rohit shows up and gives his and Ruhi's baby to Abhira. Ruhi has slipped into coma and everyone is scared for her.
YRKKH serial spoiler alert
In today's episode of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, we see that Armaan (Rohit Purohit) informs Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) that BSP is no more. He tells her that the baby she is holding is actually Rohit and Ruhi's. She is shocked and refuses to believe it. She loses her cool and starts yelling at Armaan. She refuses to believe that doctors could not save BSP and has a major breakdown. Rohit leaves taking the baby and she falls on the ground crying. She blames Armaan and questions him as to why he did not choose BSP over her. But well, all of this is just a dream. Rohit somehow convinces Armaan that he should raise his and Ruhi's kid as Abhira has difficulty conceiving. He says that he and Ruhi can try again once she is all healthy but with Abhira, it may not be possible given her health condition. Armaan is grateful to Rohit.
At home, we see Poddars reacting to the news of Ruhi losing her child and slipping into coma. Kaveri, Sanjay, Manisha Chahchi, Madhav, Vidya and everyone else is shocked. Vidya was decorating the rooms to welcome the kids and she breaks down when Madhav informs her that Ruhi's baby is no more. She is extremely shocked. Vidya desperately wanted a grandchild so now will all her love and affection move toward Armaan, Abhira and their baby?
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Manish reaches the hospital and enquires about Ruhi's health and baby. He gets to know that she has slipped into coma. An emotional Manish visits his granddaughter and asks her to wake up. He also looks for her baby. Abhira asks Armaan about Ruhi's condition. He refuses to divulge information. She then visits Ruhi and emotionally says that they both are mothers to BSP and asks her to wake up.
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