Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai serial update is here. Fans are quite engrossed in the show starring Samridhii Shukla and Rohit Purohit. Currently, it is all about Abhira's pregnancy. Both, Abhira and Ruhi are pregnant. The Poddars are all excited to welcome two children in the house. But fate has something else planned. In today's episode, we see the Poddars enjoying the Godhbharai ceremony of Ruhi and Abhira. Armaan and Rohit makes dolls while Ruhi gets all upset as her husband loses the task. Here's what happens next.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai spoiler: Abhira, Ruhi in hospital
In Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, the ladies arrived for the baby shower ceremony discuss that Abhira (Samridhii Shukla) will deliver a baby boy while Ruhi will deliver a baby girl. Further adding that Abhira's kid will rule the house while Ruhi's baby will marry and go. The ladies also suggest the mother-to-bes to go a visit the priests to know the gender of their kids. Kaveri, however, bashes the ladies. But Ruhi gets all upset. She worries that she will give birth to a baby girl and that Abhira's child will get all the love and money of the Poddars. She discusses the same with Rohit and states that she wants to go to the priest. Rohit slams her for her regressive thinking but Ruhi says that women in Poddar house are not treated with respect. Rohit refuses to go and Ruhi decides to go solo.
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While driving toward the priest, Ruhi meets with an accident. Her water breaks and she is then rushed to the hospital. In the promo of the show that rules entertainment news, we see that Ruhi and Abhira are in the hospital and going through labour pain. Doctor informs Armaan and Rohit that both the ladies have delivered children but she could save only one. The show ends adding the suspense. Fans are eager to know whose baby is safe? The show recently took a leap of five months and now once again, there's going to be major drama in Poddar house.
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