Bollywood actor Govinda's wife Sunita Ahuja recently spoke about Varun Dhawan being compared with the Hero No. 1 star. Despite Varun Dhawan being born into a film family, the actor has worked hard to create his name with his exceptional performances. But, some people compare Varun with Salman Khan and Govinda.
In an interview with a media portal, Sunita spoke about her husband Govinda and her relationship with him. She even shared her thoughts on Varun being compared to her husband and said that since Varun was a child, he has seen Govinda on sets where he has grown up. She said that even though Varun gets compared to Govinda, he has his own style.
She added saying, 'Bolte hai, compare karte hai but kyun bolte hai mereko ye samajh me nahi aata hai. Usko bhi toh kharaab lagta hoga na k mujhey Salman se compare karte hai, Chi-Chi bhaiya se karte hai but I don't understand karte kyun ho. (People compare him but I don't understand why they do so. He would also feel bad for being compared to Salman Khan and Chi-Chi bhaiya.)'
She continued saying, 'Jo aadmi bachpan se, dekh dekh ke uske dad (David Dhawan) ki 17-18 pictures ki hai Govinda ne. Toh naturally thoda toh aa jaaega na. Bachpan se chulbula bacha tha vo. (The man who has seen Govinda work with his dad in 17-18 movies. Naturally, a little resemblance might be there. Since childhood, Varun has been a happy-go-lucky child.)'
On the work front, Varun is busy filming for Shashank Khaitan's Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari with Janhvi Kapoor. He will also play an important role in the upcoming war film Border 2 with Sunny Deol, Diljit Dosanjh, and Ahan Shetty.
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